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From: Duckie4 [Middle School]
Subject: Reply: Other life in the Universe
Nyah rating

Oh yeah...all four Alien movies....woo hoo, what classics.
almost as good as the five Rocky movies (yes, i've seen all
of those too :) ) I think it's really scary to think that
there's an alien like THAT out there...but (for those of you
who have seen the movies) there really wouldn't have been such
a major conflist with the Aliens if the human scientists hadn't
gone out each time (in movies 2, 3, and 4) and LOOKED for
trouble. Maybe it is better to not know if life exists
elsewhere in the universe, because there always is that
possibility that there is a really horrible species out there
that we're better off not knowing about...so we can just
coexist peacefully and unknowingly. Ignorance is blissssssss :)